About Us


At Being Human…

We have been blessed to have received initiation, teachings, and guidance from several lineages and schools of work, which we synthesize in an offering which is relevant & practical for the modern world. We stand on the shoulders of these giants:

The Ridhwan School for teachings on Essence, Depth Psychology and Spiritual Realization.

Kashmir Shaivism for the Yogic and Tantric Philosophy, Psychology and Practice

The Center for Self Leadership for its nuanced understanding of the Ego & Personality, as well as its powerful and practical capacity for healing trauma.

Other wisdom keepers such as Animas Valley, the Mankind Project and beyond.


Elica Lorde-Syzygy

Being Human

I began my journey into psycho-spiritual work at the age of 19, as an involuntary recruit into the world of inner work and finding the Self. I had grown up in a typical middle class Australian family, had gone to good schools and expected a fairly typical life post university. However, the universe had other plans for me. Eventually thrown by crisis out of a finance career, painstakingly worked for and built, I was waking up each morning with a growing sense that if I didn't change paths I was headed for a train wreck sometime in the future. I was headed for a lifetime of regret.

At age 26, I met a 'transpersonal counsellor', a woman who taught me mindfulness and showed me how to see and experience the core wounds and beliefs I was carrying and how they had got there. I continued working earnestly, deep into myself after that introduction and haven't stopped since. I've now worked with many wise and gifted teachers - guides for my personal journey. An 'invisible hand' continues the unfoldment.

Eventually, while on this journey of inner exploration, I earned a Transpersonal Psychotherapy qualification and began working full-time in private practice as a therapist. Inner work then became a daily practice as when I was with my clients, it became evident there was also always something happening in their journey that was relevant to my journey as well. So I discovered my wanting to be of service was also working on myself, highlighting areas needing more awareness and to be brought to light. During this period I also discovered ‘parts work’, an understanding that the psyche is made up of many different parts, all with different functions, all seeking to help. By working with parts I was able to move out of the perspective that ‘ego’ was bad, a trickster or something difficult to be banished and come to a new perspective that the ego is part of the whole with good intentions at heart. I now know it as trying to be ‘The Defender of Essence’ and our survival.

This therapeutic journey took me into the world of Yoga, where I lived in a Yogic community for several years, becoming a student again, learning Yoga Therapy. I continued my work as a therapist and as people and events collided, was asked to put together a program that combined the worlds of Yoga & Psychotherapy. It ran successfully in the community which was keen for the integration of psychology into Yoga practice and it was this union of the two worlds that really landed for me what it was to be a Transpersonal Therapist. Having a Self beyond ego was no longer a theoretical idea or a fleeting state that briefly came and then left again.

The union of transpersonal psychology with a spiritual path, accelerated my journey. All of my Soul; physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual could be uncovered, experienced & integrated in a fuller way. Experiencing Essence and non duality was no longer some ideal 'out there' for the lucky few.

The journey continues to unfold, endlessly, in various beautiful ways. Through my marriage, my friendships, my work, my passion for music, through all of my life. I am eternally grateful for all of these teachers.


Amitayus Syzygy

Being Human

I have always been interested in the big questions in life.

“Who am I?”

“What’s the meaning of life?”

“What is death?”

This may have been sparked by early childhood trauma – the loss of my sister to a brain tumour when I was 11, and the subsequent shock of my father going to prison soon after. Or it may just have been a part of me, as I remember from even an early age being intensely curious about life.

Regardless, I began exploring this at the mental level in university, receiving a BA in Religious Studies from Arizona State University. I learned how different religious traditions throughout human history have phrased these questions and how they may have proposed an answer.

I began exploring them really experientially when I went on a pilgrimage to the east – Korea, Japan, Nepal and India in my late twenties. I spent a lot of time in temples of various sorts, and discovered Yoga. The next many years of my life I dedicated myself to Yogic and Tantric practice, living in a Tantric community in Thailand where I spent thousands of hours on the meditation cushion and on the yoga mat. I evolved in all sorts of unforeseen ways during this time, and had many amazing experiences, touching all sorts of states of consciousness.

However I found that every time I entered a new relationship, the same patterns would show up – I would either be with a woman desperately in love with me, allowing me to remain a bit distant and the one with the power in the relationship, or I would fall wildly in love with my partner and lose my centre and verticality, surrendering my own autonomy and sense of Self out of my desire for merging.

I left the Yoga school and began exploring various pscyho-spiritual paths – paths of moving to True Nature by healing the psyche, moving through wounding into Essence.

I have been working now with my therapist and teachers for three years, diligently showing up for this deep work, fully dedicated to healing. About the same time I began dating my now wife, who has been another powerful teacher on this path. I asked for a partner who would challenge me to my full potential, and love me patiently as I found it, and I couldn’t better describe what I’ve received. Through our relationship all sorts of patterns and wounding has surfaced, allowing for lifetimes of healing that I otherwise would not have been able to achieve.

I am currently working towards an Advanced Diploma in Transpersonal Psychotherapy & Counselling at Ikon University in Melbourne.