Greetings from Being Human


Greetings from Being Human!

Autumn has come and so too start the months where we journey inside…

Before we start, we’d like to take a moment to introduce ourselves. Thankyou for inviting us into your life. Please feel free to introduce yourself to us in response to this message, or by joining our Facebook Community

Being Human is an embodied path of healing and evolution, consciousness and inner work.  Its human founders are Amitayus and Elica Syzygy, and we are currently based in Melbourne, Australia (hence the autumn reference for those of you in the northern hemisphere). However there will certainly be expansion from here, including online, at some point in the near future.

A number of people have asked us what our name means. This is something that we put a lot of thought into, and has several levels of meaning.

The first layer is about our humanity, finding and connecting through our common experience of being a Human. Being Human implies having compassion, humility, courage, imperfection, ordinariness, vulnerability – the things that distinguish us from other living creatures. When we relate to each other as humans rather than other labels, it creates a space for shared experience and equality between us all.

The next layer is about how when we connect from this place, great healing can happen. To be an ordinary human being is something quite special, quite remarkable and it is knowing this and being ourselves that allows us to heal at very deep levels. We hope to be a community where everyone can become more and more their authentic Self and have that mirrored by others.

Finally, the next layer is about the spiritual path. Being Human offers a spiritual path through each of its branches. The end of the journey of ‘seeking’ is to become Self-Realised or enlightened. There is a saying ‘before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment chop wood carry water’. This refers to the end of the path where we wake up to who we have always been and begin to live our lives simply, as ordinary humans; unique channels for the Divine. It is an ending and a new beginning.

At Being Human we recognize and support the connection with the full depth of human potential, which is beyond words or concepts. We understand healing as the process of moving towards that depth. What follows is a sharing from Elica; a piece from her own healing journey, and her coming into contact with her depth of Being.

In this process she meets and interacts with layers of her personality – both protective mechanisms (protectors) whose job is to keep us from contacting fear, pain or sadness inside, as well as the wounded parts that are carrying the suffering. You will read, underneath that is her Essence – the realm beyond personality. In her words:

Insight Corner

I’d been feeling quite overwhelmed with work, and was noticing that the parts of me that protect me from the belief that I’m “not good enough” had been active. I’d worked on this core wound before, but I could feel that it was time for some more exploration.

In a session with my mentor, I noticed that the protectors as well as the wounded part were located in my lungs. This was causing shallow breathing and inflammation that I’d been suffering from for several weeks. There were two protectors. One was pressuring me to keep up with my workload and the other was really angry at the first one for constantly putting me under pressure. This translated into a feeling of contraction, shallow breath, stress, anxiety and frustration.

By looking into why the first one was putting so much pressure on me I started to be shown by the protector the wounded part that was hidden underneath. She manifested as an image of a young girl, about 4 years old, feeling that she wasn’t good enough, and would never be enough.

As I opened to her showing me her feelings of failure, a big hole of deficiency opened up in my chest and belly. As we sat together, she showed me deeper levels of the wounding. Not only did she feel like a failure – she WAS failure itself. She had taken it on as an identity. I stayed with her, with compassion and presence. By being in Self, it allowed her experience to fully land with me, be felt and understood.

As I gently inquired into why she had taken on this identity she showed me herself as a being of Essence, pure living love, presence & spaciousness, and how difficult it was to be coming into the world of ego. She experienced the egoic world as a straightjacket, filled with rules about how to be. She believed that if she didn’t measure up to the values of this world she would never be seen and would be cast into the void of non-existence. A kind of eternal purgatory. Because she was impressionable and innocent, this world had caused her to doubt her own Truth, and to lose contact with herself. She could only respond by feeling failed and deficient as she was not of the egoic world.

When I realised this I asked the protector to look at the wounded part, at her Essence and me as the Self. As he started to really see us, I felt a hard diamond start to surface through my body. It was clear, like a princess cut engagement ring, and took up the entire half of my upper body. As I became it and felt into it, it was surprised at how incredibly hard it was. I realised, here was True Value. I WAS True Value. Indestructible Value.

My wounded part promptly wanted to be part of this and I mirrored to her that she was already a diamond as well. She no longer had to try to fit into the world of the ego as I gave her permission to be herself, her true nature as Essence. She began dancing around, a precious little diamond, while I visualised creating a boundary of protection for her and her rediscovered identity. The protector agreed to take on the values of the world of Essence and release the values of the ego he had been holding me and the wounded part to.

And so continues the journey back to the diamond soul…

We hope you enjoy the newsletter where we will regularly add anecdotes and stories from our own healing and soul work. We look forward to sharing the journey with you.
With love
Amitayus & Elica

Being Human